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Welcome to The Remedy Room

Where we provide optimal health solutions in a broken sick-care system

Dr. Mignonne C. Mary With Her Father, Dr. Charles Mary Jr.



We’re So Glad You Came.
Let Us Introduce Ourselves.

Dr. Mignonne Mary opened The Remedy Room in 2013 on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans. Since then we have had the honor of serving thousands of locals and visitors alike with one common goal in mind- to educate and empower every person who walks through our door. At The Remedy Room, we focus on getting to the root cause and giving the body the tools it needs to heal itself. With our foundation in disease prevention, nutritional medicine and Infusion therapy we are committed to optimizing health and finding natural solutions in what many would call a broken sick-care system.
Dr. Mignonne Mary graduated from LSU Medical School in New Orleans, completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Charity Hospital, and has been in practice since 2001. The Remedy Room is a continuation of the legacy of her father, Dr. Charles Mary, Jr., a pioneer in the field of Infusion Vitamin Therapy. Dr. Charles Mary, Jr. became the Director of Charity Hospital at the young age of 33 and later went on to open the prestigious Mary Medical Clinic of New Orleans. Dr. Charles Mary Jr. is alive and well today, and at age 85, is just as committed to educating the masses as he’s ever been.
Thank you for entrusting us with the most important thing there is- your health. The Remedy Room community is growing fast and we are so glad you’re a part of it.


Our Story



Top Four Vitamins We Think Every Person Should Be Taking Right Now



Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that enhances immunity and healing due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress. Vitamin C is vital to the body’s immune system and healing process and is also essential for the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C has proven anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-pain effects in the human body.



Vitamin D3 + K2

D3 and K2 are essential nutrients used to increase the immune response, reduce inflammation, support the cardiovascular and neurological system, strengthen bones and enhance mood and sleep. Vitamin D has been promoted among the scientific community to be considered a hormone essential for human life.



Trace Minerals

Iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, boron and several others serve as antioxidants and are critical for energy metabolism, thyroid support, blood sugar control, and immune system health and response.



Melatonin, most known for its effects on sleep, is a vital hormone and natural antioxidant produced by the Pineal glad in the brain that triggers and enhances the immune response, reduces inflammation, regulates sleep, and has anti-aging properties.


Check Out Our Other Services!


Infusion THERAPY

For when you don’t have time to be sick AND for preventing sickness in the first place….
Our Infusion menu features solutions for
+ Cold and flu
​​​​​​​+ Exhaustion and Fatigue
​​​​​​​+ Migraine
​​​​​​​+ Anxiety
​​​​​​​+ Stomach bug
​​​​​​​+ Upper respiratory infection
​​​​​​​+ Sinusitis
​​​​​​​+ Seasonal allergies
and more.
Call to book: 504-386-3308


New technologies, such as the O-SHOT for women and P-SHOT for men are making it easier to achieve optimal pleasure. The O and P Shots are excellent for:
+ Decreased libido (sex drive) and decreased sensation during intercourse
+ Stress/urge urinary incontinence
+ Dryness and painful intercourse from Menopause or from Cancer Treatment
+ Decreased ability to orgasm
and more.
Learn More:
–> O Shot
–> P Shot
Call to book: 504-386-3308


Meet with one of our highly trained Medical Providers for a 30 minute Wellness Visit in person or virtually to review your current needs and develop a supplement regimen personalized to you. So often we see patients wasting their money on poor quality, ineffective vitamins that are not right for them. We’ve spent decades researching, understanding and trying thousands of pharmaceutical grade supplements to narrow it down to the best ones we know work. Let us guide you.
Call to book: 504-386-3308