Litewater – Deuterium Depleted Water

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Scientists, studying the cause of aging, discovered that even when a small amount of Deuterium containing Heavy Water is removed from normal water, the benefits are profound. Excess deuterium interferes in all biological process and is known to damage the mitochondria over time. Drinking deuterium depleted water allows you to reduce your total body burden of deuterium.


What we commonly refer to as water, consume every day, use to prepare foods and beverages, irrigate our lawns, wash our clothes and put out fires, is more complex in its composition than is indicated by the popular chemical formula “H2O”. Chemically speaking, natural water predominantly consists of three molecules: H2O, HDO and D2O, and if you consider all the isotopes of oxygen and the various configurations, there are really 63 different types of water molecules known, in approximately the following ratios.

Deuterium depleted water, also referred to as light water is a term given to a unique composition of water in which the natural deuterium content is at least 15% less than 155 ppm, which the the deuterium content of the ocean and the highest level present in the natural waters on Earth.

Litewater offers the lowest available concentration of deuterium (most depleted) in the world. Litewater is in a category below 25 ppm which is often referred to as ‘super light’. They offer the lowest deuterium water in world in plastic and glass.