A Loving Farewell to
Dr. Charles C. Mary Jr.

Dear The Remedy Room Community,
We write to you with a heavy heart as we mark the end of Dr. Charles Callan Mary Jr.’s incredible life. Dr. Mary passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 5, 2022 surrounded by his loving family.
Dr. Charles Mary Jr.’s brilliance, compassion and dedication to his patients and to innovating the field of natural healing are what inspired the birth of The Remedy Room. Our founder, Dr. Mignonne C. Mary, opened The Remedy Room in 2013 to continue the legacy of her father, who was not only a pioneer in the fields of vitamin therapy and disease prevention, but who also left a massive imprint on the city of New Orleans.
Dr. Charles Mary Jr. was ahead of his time in more ways than one. He completed his residency at Charity Hospital of Louisiana in 1965, and by 1970, at the young age of 33, he became the Director and Chief Executive Officer of Charity Hospital of Louisiana in New Orleans. In 1973, Gov. Edwin W. Edwards appointed Dr. Mary as First Commissioner of Health, Social and Rehabilitation Services, and named him the State of Louisiana Health Officer. Dr. Mary changed countless people’s lives and is known in and around New Orleans as the common-sense doctor who didn’t let bureaucracy get in his way of delivering the best possible care to his patients.
Dr. Mary also had an outstanding knack for explaining medical phenomena in every-day terms for the average person to understand, which is why he became a trusted leader in empowering the New Orleans community to take control of their own health. For 18 years, from 1992 to 2010, Dr. Mary spent 1 hour, 5 days per week on the New Orleans Radio show “Ask Dr. Mary” where he became locally famous for his humorous and educational tidbits.
To this day at least once a week, a person walks into The Remedy Room at 200 Metairie Road or calls us to share a story of how Dr. Charles Mary Jr. saved their family member’s life years ago, or to ask us if we still carry Dr. Mary’s Fine Powder Pure Vitamin C (which we do!)
In addition to empowering people through education, Dr. Mary also helped inspire another one of the core values of The Remedy Room- Live It To Lead It. In 1990 he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and told he did not have long to live if he refused chemo. After he treated himself with high dose IV vitamin C and underwent minimal radiation, by the grace of God, he was completely healed. It was this experience that showed Dr. Mignonne Mary, who was in high school at the time, the power of giving the body the tools it needs to heal and sparked a light in her to later dedicate her own career in medicine to continuing to expand upon the foundation her father built.
Thanks to Dr. Charles Mary Jr. and his exceptional brain and boundless heart, The Remedy Room is what it is today, serving thousands of locals and visitors alike with one common goal in mind: to educate and empower every person who walks through our door.
Thank you, Dr. Charles Mary Jr. for sharing your gifts and your heart with so many. The world has lost one of its great humanitarians and brilliant leaders. We celebrate you now and forever.